Servicing, repair and rebuilding of aircrafts

In good hands, even with larger projects

Enquire now

  • Fast & safe - Short downtimes
  • All-round carefree - For airworthiness
  • Many locations also near you
  • EASA-certified - You can rely on it

More than 62 years of experience

AOC licence

Part-ORA certification

Available all over the world

Full service

At home in the air

A white airplane in the hangar.

Maintenance, repair and new construction of helicopters and airplanes up to 5.7t

  • Comprehensive service from A to Z for your helicopter
  • Short downtimes thanks to our competent team of 40 employees
  • Preferred support for the procurement of spare parts
  • Safety and quality always come first for us
  • Years of experience for over 62 years
  • In Germany and Europe we repair your helicopter
A group of black and white tools hangs on a wall.

Overhaul and modernize

Bring your machine up to date

Over the years, helicopter manufacturers develop various upgrades for existing models. Partly to include new functions, to extend the range of functions or to fulfil changed legal requirements. AIR LLOYD AEROTECHNICS brings your aircraft up to date with these upgrades. To keep the downtime as low as possible, it makes sense to carry out this work within the framework of the major service inspections.

The major service inspection for your helicopter

At all our locations we have experienced specialists who are always able to carry out larger projects reliably such as overhauling your helicopter. With the major service inspections all aircraft are made airworthy again and transferred back into flight operations. Rely on our great experience - “not possible doesn’t exist”.

Avionics, airframe, engine, software

For each area we have experienced specialists who can carry out a partial or complete overhaul of helicopters, turbine and piston engines, transmissions and components on your helicopter. Your personal contact person accompanies you throughout the whole project up to the final airworthiness assessment.

  • Overhaul, general overhaul of engines and single components
  • Overhaul of hydraulic and servo systems
  • Spindle bearing, tail rotor
  • Main gear and tail rotor transmission
  • Freewheel, swash plate
  • Wheel change
  • Nozzle change
  • Modification / conversion
  • NDT inspection / non-destructive material testing
  • Modernisation / Update

Professional aircraft service
for helicopters and airplanes

AIR LLOYD has stood for quality and efficiency for over 62 years for quality and efficiency in the helicopter sector.

Maintenance service Our additional services

A man works on the engine of a helicopter.

Repair, damage inspection or rebuilding

Aircraft on ground? We make it airworthy again

A helicopter can be easily damaged, may be due to storm damage, accidents on landing, touching trees or contact with power lines. Also damage to transmissions or engines, such as piston seizure or burned engines keep your helicopter unintentionally on the ground. Good to know that AIR LLOYD AEROTECHNICS exists - we will get you back in the air quickly.

We can solve smaller problems mobile on site

Our mobile mechanic teams are deployed worldwide to remedy minor breakdowns or errors on site. AOG (Aircraft on Ground) is our top priority.

Recovery or transport? We take care of it!

If your helicopter has been involved in an air accident, please call us. We have experts and transport equipment to recover your helicopter quickly, safely and without any further damage and to transport it to the nearest location for repair.

  • Repair of engines and individual components
  • Partial or complete rebuilding of helicopters
  • Mobile damage inspection on site
  • Metal repairs
  • FRP (fibre reinforced plastic) repairs
  • Fabrication of structural parts
  • Accident repairs
  • Corrosion treatment
Inscription of the white AirLloyd logo on a red helicopter.

Partial painting or repairing

A new coat of paint for your aircraft

In cooperation with an associated paint shop, we paint your helicopters and airplanes up to 5.7 tonnes. Repainting e.g. in your company colours is just as possible as a complete repainting e.g. of spare parts. As is usual with AIR LLOYD AEROTECHNICS, you can always count on the on-time and flawless execution of all paint jobs.

  • Partial or full painting
  • Standard paints and special finishes
  • Adhesives
  • Corrosion protection
  • Repair of damaged areas
  • Helicopters and airplanes up to 5.7 t

AIR LLOYD - The place to fly

Three locations in Germany, including two flight operation sites and an office for software and hardware development in the area of pipeline support.

What all AIR LLOYD branches have in common is the pursuit of the highest quality, reliability and safety. We promise.

AIR LLOYD Aerotechnics GmbH
Raabstraße 16
D-34379 Calden

Phone: +49 (0) 56 74 / 70 07 11

Our locations

Your contacts for repairs
will be happy to advise you!

Benefit now from our many years of experience and secure your preferred date.

Get in touch with us +49 (0) 56 74 / 70 07 11