Simply take off!

Since the company’s founding in 1963 as AIR LLOYD Deutsche Pflanzenschutz Fluggesellschaft mbH, we have insisted on quality and efficiency in the helicopter sector.

Find out more about us Our sightseeing flights at a glance

  • More than 62 years of experience
  • AOC licence
  • Part-ORA certification
  • Available all over the world
  • Full service
  • At home in the air
Über 62 Jahre Expertise als Luftfahrtunternehmen

The company

The very best has always been our maxim. And today? As a leading system provider, we offer holistic concepts, like to think outside the box and do not shy away from challenging tasks and difficult operating conditions. Because we offer:

  • Modern and young helicopter fleet owned by the company.
  • Technical support at the highest level.
  • Use of experienced and permanently employed pilots.
  • Operation of an internationally recognized flight school.
  • Team of committed and competent employees.
  • Solid and sustainable business management.

The foundations for our biggest concern: first-class reliability, outstanding results and the perfect outcome for our customers. We work with passion and enthusiasm, but also with professionalism and the necessary sense of responsibility. It's about "how we do it", and how we do it is unique

More about the company's history

“A more professional outfit will be hard to find."
– Ingo Werres

"I can recommend AIR LLOYD unreservedly."
– Bert Uellendahl

AIR LLOYD: Motivation, Erfolg und Zufriedenheit auf ganzer Linie

A philosophy and a promise

Appreciation, openness, trust – these are the pillars on which AIR LLOYD is based, both as a company and as a team of employees. These are not mere buzzwords, but everyday values which create the conditions for motivation, success and satisfaction across the board. Both our internal relationships and our dealings with customers and partners are characterised by appreciation, fairness, esteem and respect. A positive attitude is the order of the day, as well as a particular openness to new ideas, different views, change processes, other cultures and criticism.

We are happy to debate, because the constructive weighing of different opinions is the only way to make and stand by our decisions. Keyword: responsibility. As the basis for well-functioning teamwork, a high degree of freedom is indispensable.

Every single person is required to act entrepreneurially and autonomously. The result: a strong team that stands by their word.

Our flight services

List of helicopter models

Models we adapt to your needs!

AIR LLOYD offers professional type ratings and refresher courses for the following helicopter models:

Robinson R44

Robinson R44

  • Output: 280 HP
  • Take-off power: 245 HP
  • Continuous output: 205
  • Max. speed: 220 km/hr
  • Range: approx. 3.0 hrs/approx. 640 km
  • Seats: Pilot + 3 passengers
BELL 206 B 3

BELL 206 B 3

  • Output: 420 HP
  • Take-off power: 386 HP
  • Max. speed: 220 km/hr
  • Range: approx. 3.0 hrs/approx. 720 km
  • Seats: Pilot + 4 passengers
MD 900/902

MD 900/902

  • Twin-engined helicopter with turbine drive
  • Max. take-off weight: 2948 kg
  • Output: 2 x 650 PS
  • Speed: 240 km/hr
  • Area of use: Air ambulance, passenger transport, air freight
Eurocopter BO 105

Eurocopter BO 105 CBS 5

  • Twin-engined helicopter with turbine drive
  • Max. take-off weight: 2,500 kg
  • Output: 2 x 420 PS
  • Speed: 245 km/hr
  • Area of use: Passenger transport, freight, special operations
Eurocopter AS 355

Eurocopter AS 355

  • Twin-engined helicopter with turbine drive
  • Max. take-off weight: 2540 kg
  • Output: 2 x 425 PS
  • Speed: 240 km/hr
  • Area of use: Transport and rescue helicopter
Eurocopter AS 355

Eurocopter AS 350

  • Single-engine helicopter with turbine drive
  • Max. take-off weight: 2,250 kg
  • Output: 743 PS
  • Speed: 235 km/hr
  • Area of use: Passenger flights, cargo, special missions
  • Seats: Pilot + 5 passengers

In addition, we also offer type ratings for the following models:

R44, HU369, MD500N/60, AS350, Bell206/206l, AS355, EC135, EC145, BO105, MD900/902

In addition, we also offer type ratings for the following models:

  • Eurocopter 135P/EC 135T
  • Eurocopter BO 105
  • MD 500N/600 und HU 369

To the flight school

become a helicopter pilot - AIR LLOYD flight school

Simply take off with - AIR LLOYD
Helicopter services

AIR LLOYD has stood for quality and efficiency for over 62 years for quality and efficiency in the helicopter sector.

Book a helicopter sightseeing flight Helicopter pilot training

Our mission statement

Innovative, high-quality helicopter services.

Get in touch with us


AIR LLOYD sees itself as a benchmark in European commercial aviation. We provide an extensive range of services at the highest level, including flight training, aerial work, helicopter sales and maintenance. In terms of performance, quality, safety and innovation, we intend to maintain and constantly expand our market-leading brand power.


Open, cooperative, fast, innovative and flexible – this is where you count! In order to guarantee services which offer maximum benefits to our customers, it is essential to enter into a lively dialogue in advance. You make the demands, and we react to them. Our objective: to fly high in every sense! That is why we are only satisfied when you are. Standing still is alien to us.


Qualified, committed, purposeful and responsible! AIR LLOYD employees bring their skills, knowledge and experience to a business that has more than  62 years of knowledge and experience. Flat hierarchies, a cooperative management style, clear communication and personnel development ensure that our team is a solid driver of success.


Here, quality is the number one priority. We stand by this claim, and also set it as a benchmark for our partner companies. Safety is another essential criterion. This is why we select our suppliers with great care, continuously review all links in the value chain, and constantly strive to optimise our process design.


The indispensable search for improvement opportunities and undiscovered potential! We never settle for what we have already achieved. We constantly strive to perfect our products and services in consultation with our customers, suppliers and the aviation authorities. AIR LLOYD sets standards in quality, safety and service. One step ahead of the rest.


Quality standards: enormous. The demands on our products, services and processes are based on the highest standards. They have to be efficient, reliable, safe and, above all, high-quality. We rise to this challenge thanks to our established quality management system, which goes above and beyond the existing regulatory framework. We make no compromises in this area.


Awareness of social responsibility is a matter of course for us. In this area, we take into account different cultures, customs, values and norms in different countries, as well as legal and social systems. We rely on open communication with the authorities, and offer our services in accordance with the rules.

Safety and Sustainability

Sustainable and responsible: It is our corporate duty to ensure the health of our employees and customers. That's why we rely on savvy, experienced staff and the highest maintenance standards for out aircraft. In addition, it is of great importance to us that our production processes are environmentally friendly, and that we deal with the resources available to us in a responsible manner.

Growth and Success

Faster, higher, further – but to a healthy extent. Qualitative, sustainably profitable growth boosts our earnings and financial standing, which is essential for securing the company’s continued existence and further development. Financial independence, freedom of choice and an active awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities are also crucial!


AIR LLOYD - the aviation company with history and a philosophy! Principles such as quality, safety and reliability have always determined our orientation.

A helicopter and two Air Lloyd vehicles on a meadow


Foundation of AIR LLOYD Deutsche Pflanzenschutz Fluggesellschaft mbH by the Gerling Group in Cologne:
flight training and crop protection flights on national and international territory.

Five men stand in front of Air Lloyd


Move from Cologne-Bonn aerodrome to the new Hangelar aerodrome.
Pictured here: former CEO Sepp Bauer (centre left), Minister Josef Ertl (centre right)

A yellow helicopter in the air


Start of our monitoring and surveillance flights for high-pressure gas pipelines and high-voltage power lines.

A helicopter and two planes


Expansion of the business purpose to include maintenance and repair of helicopters and other aviation equipment.

Three men work on a helicopter


Development of new business fields e.g. pilot transfers, activities in Spain. Maintenance of the ADAC air rescue fleet..

A yellow Air Lloyd helicopter on site


Opening of the field office at the Halle-Oppin aerodrome.

Image of a document


Spin-off foundation of Air Lloyd Luftfahrt Technik GmbH (ALT) as an independent company.

Blue and white helicopter flies in the air


Presentation of the first R44 helicopter in Europe by AIR LLOYD, SN 018, D-HILL, R44 ASTRO

A dark blue helicopter flying over a city


Start of development of the “Digital Pipeline Reporting System" (Digitaler Meldesystem Pipeline, DMP), in collaboration with Verbundnetzgas AG, Leipzig

Seven men stand in front of a yellow helicopter


First MD 900 type rating course and delivery of MD900 to ADAC Luftrettung GmbH
Intensification of training activities, especially professional pilot training and further training for the Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg police squadrons.

A white Air Lloyd helicopter in the air from below


Further development of the DMP into the "Geowork" family (GeoworkPAD, GeoworkNET and GeoworkBASE)
Launch of the CHARM project as a system for remote gas detection, in cooperation with E-ON, Adlares and the German Aerospace Centre (Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., DLR).

The different logos of Air Lloyd


Release of the new corporate identity in conjunction with the complete redesign of the website
50th anniversary of the AIR LLOYD brand!


HELITEC Helicopter Technik GmbH becomes AIR LLOYD Aerotechnics GmbH with effect from 01 October 2018.


AIR LLOYD Deutsche Helicopter Flugservice GmbH becomes AIR LLOYD Flight Services GmbH with effect from 01.02.2020.


Cooperation with the INM Institute for Emergency Medicine and Hagelstein Rettungsdienst GmbH in the "Christoph Sauerland" project for the stationing of a rescue helicopter.

AIR LLOYD: Motivation, Erfolg und Zufriedenheit auf ganzer Linie


The corporate culture of AIR LLOYD is characterized by appreciation, openness, and trust.

These values and principles form the basis for the code of conduct and the corporate mission statement, which are anchored in lawful conduct as well as ecological and social responsibility. All employees of AIR LLOYD are committed to responsible corporate management, focused on protecting corporate values, sustainable value creation, and the pursuit of qualitative growth.

Transparent decision-making structures and proactive risk management, continuously reviewed and updated, ensure entrepreneurial success through performance. Employee training and development are guarantees that future potential risks as well as changes in regulations and laws are perceived, communicated, and adequately implemented. Communication with the public, our customers, shareholders, employees, and authorities is characterized by openness and clarity; this creates the conditions to maintain and expand trust in the company AIR LLOYD.

AIR LLOYD - The place to fly

Three locations in Germany, including two flight operation sites and an office for software and hardware development in the area of pipeline support.

What all AIR LLOYD branches have in common is the pursuit of the highest quality, reliability and safety. We promise.

AIR LLOYD Flight Services GmbH
Bonn-Hangelar Aerodrome, Richthofenstraße 124
53757 St. Augustin

Tel.: +49 (0)22 41/23 07-0

Our locations

Do you have any questions?
We are also happy to advise you personally

We look forward to being able to help you.

Get in touch with us +49 (0)22 41/23 07-0