Experience the fascination of flying
even on the ground

Fly a commercial aircraft yourself - Realistic flight simulation

Together with our partner YOUFLY, we offer you an extraordinary event for team building, corporate events and birthday parties. Using a flight simulator, you will control a multi-ton aircraft and take off in a lifelike Airbus cockpit with cabin.

Book your simulator flight with YOUFLY now Discover the flight simulator

  • More than 61 years of experience
  • AOC licence
  • Part-ORA certification
  • Available all over the world
  • Full service
  • At home in the air
A man sits in the cockpit of a flight simulator.

Fulfill your childhood dream

Unforgettable moments in the flight simulator

The unique event for corporate gatherings, birthdays, or your very own personal dream.

Have you ever wanted to pilot a commercial aircraft yourself? Experience the sensation of lifting off and landing a massive aircraft from the runway? We offer exactly this experience for you. At the Hangelar airfield between Cologne and Bonn, you can take your seat in an authentic Airbus cockpit. Take control and give it thrust. This unique experience is not only suitable for personal enrichment but also as a team-building activity, a corporate event, a birthday celebration, or an extraordinary gift.

This one-of-a-kind experience immerses you in the world of aviation without ever having to leave the ground.

Book your simulator flight with YOUFLY now

Or just give us a call on: +49 (0)22 41 / 23 07-0

Hubschrauber individueller Flug

In Cooperation with YOUFLY

This unique event between Cologne and Bonn is a further development of well-known flight simulator concepts. The owners have over 8 years of experience operating flight simulators for event customers and offer a special experience: It's your cockpit!

Learn more about YOUFLY

A man sits in the cockpit of an airplane.

Fly the aircraft yourself

The flight simulator in Hangelar (between Cologne and Bonn)

Ever wanted to land as a pilot on Madeira—a landing considered one of the most challenging and dangerous in the world? Or safely bring an airbus with 180 passengers on board to the ground in Cologne? The YOUFLY entertainment flight simulator offers a vivid 3D flying experience in 210 degrees—with realistic views even from the aircraft's side windows. Upon takeoff, the seats start vibrating. The engines roar, and before landing, the landing gear extends with a clatter. The instrument panel in the original cockpit blinks and lights up.

You enter the cockpit through an authentic airbus cabin, where everything, from the galley to the cockpit door, comes from a real aircraft. Anyone passionate about flying, including children and teenagers over 1.40 meters tall, can take a seat in the cockpit of the aircraft. A flight instructor with experience from real flight operations is always on board. They guide you through the instruments and correct flight errors.

The special part: You don't need any prior experience whatsoever!

  • Authentic airbus A320 cockpit with genuine cockpit elements
  • 3 projectors for high-resolution and realistic imagery
  • Original sound effects

Book your simulator flight with YOUFLY now

AIR LLOYD - The place to fly

Three locations in Germany, including two flight operation sites and an office for software and hardware development in the area of pipeline support.

What all AIR LLOYD branches have in common is the pursuit of the highest quality, reliability and safety. We promise.

AIR LLOYD Flight Services GmbH
Bonn-Hangelar Aerodrome, Richthofenstraße 124
53757 St. Augustin

Tel.: +49 (0)22 41/23 07-0
E-Mail: info@airlloyd.de

Our locations

We make sightseeing dreams come true!

Haven't found the perfect sightseeing flight yet?
No matter what helicopter sightseeing flight you desire, we assist you in making your dream sightseeing flight a reality. With our extensive network, we ensure the necessary flight and landing permits, enabling us to fly your preferred route. Contact us; we look forward to your inquiry!

Take off now with AIR LLOYD +49 (0)22 41 / 23 07-0