Acquire additional authorisations as
Private and Professional Pilot

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Request further training for additional authorization now Find out more...

  • More than 61 years of experience
  • AOC licence
  • Part-ORA certification
  • Available all over the world
  • Full service
  • At home in the air
The cockpit with many control elements.

IR(H) Instrument Rating

Stay safe, even in bad weather

The IR(H) instrument rating extends your professional or private pilot’s licence to include the authorisation to fly helicopters under instrument flight conditions.

The IR(H) can be acquired in addition to your private or professional pilot’s licence in a course containing a mix of theoretical and practical training.

After completing your theoretical training, you sit the theoretical exam at the German Federal Aviation Authority in Braunschweig. The practical training consists of at least 50 hours of instrument flight time. This is followed by the practical exam, which you will be given by an IRE(H) instrument examiner at your training site. Once you pass the exam, the rating is valid for a total of 36 months.

The aim of the training is to improve your flight skills and enable you to take off even in bad weather.

Enquire now

Or just give us a call: +49 (0)22 41 / 23 07-0

Navigation equipment for flights


  • PPL(H) licence with night rating, ATPL(H) or CPL(H) licence, at least 50 hours overland flight time as a pilot of helicopters or aeroplanes (of which at least 10 hours in helicopters)
  • Class 1 or 2 aviation medical certification, depending on your current licence
  • Background check pursuant to § 7 of the German Aviation Security Act
  • Current excerpt from the central traffic register
  • Proof of flight experience
  • If you are applying for the IRE(H), you must have proof that you are proficient in English
  • 2 passport photos
  • Type rating or completed type rating course for the model in which you wish to take the IRE(H) exam

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) training in accordance with the EASA

IFR training courses that greatly facilitate instrument flight training.

Night rating

Fly safely at night and become more independent with AIR LLOYD

FI(H) flight instructor

Stay one step ahead professionally with a helicopter instructor’s licence

A white and red helicopter on the ground

Night rating

Enjoy a sea of lights at night

Private pilots with a PPL(H) licence are only authorised to fly a helicopter after sunset if they have the corresponding night rating. Once acquired, the rating is entered on your pilot’s licence and you are also able to enjoy the world from above after dark.

AIR LLOYD recommends making the effort to get your night rating in any case: after all, many attractions look their best at night.

The aim of the course is to qualify the holder of a PPL(H) licence to execute night-time flights under VFR (Visual Flight Rules) within 6 months.

The night rating is also one of the requirements for acquiring a CPL(H) professional pilot’s licence. It can be completed either before or during your training to become a professional helicopter pilot. There are various advantages to both variants that we are happy to explain in detail during a consultation.

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Or just give us a call: +49 (0)22 41 / 23 07-0

become a helicopter pilot - AIR LLOYD flight school

Simply take off with - AIR LLOYD
Helicopter services

AIR LLOYD has stood for quality and efficiency for over 61 years for quality and efficiency in the helicopter sector.

Book a helicopter sightseeing flight Helicopter pilot training

A pilot and another person in the helicopter in the air

FI(H) Flight instructor's license

Pass on your knowledge

The flight instructor’s training comprises a total of 125 hours of theory including the intermediate exams. This includes teaching 5 practice sessions in front of flight students. The practical training must include at least 30 hours in your chosen model of helicopter. During the practical training, you will learn how to effectively train prospective pilots in the usual flying exercises.

For pilots who have or have had an FI(A) aircraft training authorisation, the training part is shortened to 55 hours, which cover teaching activities and learning behaviour.

Useful information: Your training authorisation is limited until you have completed at least 100 hours of flight training under the supervision of a designated instructor and have supervised 25 solo flights. The German Federal Aviation Authority will remove this restriction on the recommendation of your supervising flight instructor.

Enquire now

Or just give us a call: +49 (0)22 41 / 23 07-0

Two people in blue shirts are looking at a clipboard.


  • Minimum age: 18
  • Private or professional pilot’s licence
  • BZF I radiotelephony certification
  • Flight experience: 250 flight hours, of which at least 100 hours as the holder of an ATPL(H) commercial pilot’s license or CPL(H) licence, or at least 200 hours as the holder of a PPL(H) helicopter licence as the Pilot in Command (PIC)
  • Theoretical knowledge of a professional pilot*
    *To demonstrate the theoretical knowledge of a professional pilot, you must attend the flight instructor training
  • At least 10 hours training in instrument flight on helicopters in an Approved Training Organisation (ATO)
  • At least 20 hours overland flight as the Pilot in Command (PIC)
  • Successful pre-training test flight no more than 6 months prior to starting the training. Your ability to participate in the course will be assessed during this test flight

AIR LLOYD - The place to fly

Three locations in Germany, including two flight operation sites and an office for software and hardware development in the area of pipeline support.

What all AIR LLOYD branches have in common is the pursuit of the highest quality, reliability and safety. We promise.

AIR LLOYD Flight Services GmbH
Bonn-Hangelar Aerodrome, Richthofenstraße 124
53757 St. Augustin

Tel.: +49 (0)22 41/23 07-0

Our locations

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We look forward to being able to help you.

Get in touch with us +49 (0)22 41/23 07-0